Results for 'H. K. Anheier'

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  1.  13
    Carbon in cubic and tetragonal ferrite.H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (28-30):3714-3725.
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    The effect of diffusivity gradients on diffusion to dislocations.H. K. Birnbaum, B. L. Eyre & W. Drotning - 1971 - Philosophical Magazine 23 (184):847-857.
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  3. Karṇāṭakada Haridāsaru.H. K. Vedavyasacharya - 1965
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    The Importance of Zeno's Physics for an Understanding of Stoicism during the late Roman Republic.H. K. Hunt - 1967 - Apeiron 1 (2):5 - 14.
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    Helen Keller.K. H., Helene A. Kelleder & W. J. Greenstreet - 1893 - Mind 2 (6):280-284.
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  6. Säkularisation und Utopie.H. K. H. - 1968 - Philosophische Rundschau 15:312.
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  7. The Pragmatist Challenge: Pragmatist Metaphysics for Philosophy of Science.H. K. Andersen & Sandra D. Mitchell (eds.) - 2023 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    This volume offers a collection of in-depth explorations of pragmatism as a framework for discussions in philosophy of science and metaphysics. Each chapter involves explicit reflection on what it means to be pragmatist, and how to use pragmatism as a guiding framework in addressing topics such as realism, unification, fundamentality, truth, laws, reduction, and more. -/- .
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  8. The Sinlessness of Jesus.H. K. Moore - 1906 - Hibbert Journal 5:915.
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  9. Sovereignty and Symbolization.H. K. Lindahl - 1997 - Rechtstheorie 28 (3):347-371.
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    Philosophic outlines—cosmologic, theologic, and psychologic.H. K. Jones - 1880 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 14 (4):399 - 420.
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    The idea of the Venus.H. K. Jones - 1876 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 10 (1):48 - 52.
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  12. Philosophy of Science in Practice: Nancy Cartwright and the Nature of Scientific Reasoning.H.-K. Chao, J. Reiss & S.-T. Chen (eds.) - 2017 - Springer.
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    Zur Frage der Chancen der Operation bei einem Patienten, der Bluttransfusionen ablehnt.H. K. Wellmer & G. Bockenheimer-Lucius - 2001 - Ethik in der Medizin 13 (1-2):127-133.
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    The new psychology in undergraduate work.H. K. Wolfe - 1895 - Psychological Review 2 (4):382-387.
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    16. Epikritisches zum vorigen hefte.K. Fr H. - 1855 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 10 (1-4):365-367.
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  16. Some Judgments on the Size of Familiar Objects.H. K. Wolfe - 1898 - Philosophical Review 7:540.
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  17. Swaminarayan and indian thought.H. K. Kapil - 1981 - In Sahajānanda (ed.), New dimensions in Vedanta philosophy. Ahmedabad: Bochasanwasi Shri Aksharpurushottam Sanstha. pp. 1.
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    Some effects of size on judgments of weight.H. K. Wolfe - 1898 - Psychological Review 5 (1):25-54.
  19.  34
    (1 other version)Civilization and the philosophic outlook.H. K. Archdall - 1928 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 6 (1):15 – 27.
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    New amorphous interface for precipitate nitrides in steel.H. K. Danielsen, S. Kadkhodazadeh, F. B. Grumsen & M. A. J. Somers - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (20):2339-2349.
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  21. Notes of a conversation on Shakespeare's "Tempest".H. K. Jones & Sarah Denman - 1875 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 9 (3):293-299.
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    On the immortality of the soul.H. K. Jones - 1875 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 9 (1):27 - 33.
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    A Sphygmograph with an Electric Attachment for Recording Pulse Rate at a Distance.H. K. Nixon - 1924 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 7 (5):358.
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    The changing Japanese perspectives and attitudes toward leisure.H. K. Nishio - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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    (1 other version)Symbolism as a philosophical principle.H. K. Archdall - 1929 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 7 (2):81 – 101.
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    The Foundations of Scientific Inference. [REVIEW]H. K. R. - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (3):561-561.
    Originally published as a long essay in Mind and Cosmos, Volume II of the University of Pittsburgh series in the philosophy of science, this study admirably fills the need for an elementary survey of problems in the area of probability and induction. But it is more than an introduction. The author is working on the general thesis that Bayes' theorem of the probability calculus holds the key to the understanding of scientific inference. Guided by this idea he attempts to salvage (...)
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  27. 26. Bio-Energy for Biomass Production.H. K. Singh - 1992 - In B. C. Chattopadhyay (ed.), Science and technology for rural development. New Delhi: S. Chand & Co.. pp. 207.
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  28. Die Ethik Herbert Spencers.H. K. Schwarze - 1909 - Philosophical Review 18:251.
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  29.  50
    Directives and Norms. [REVIEW]H. K. R. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (1):138-138.
    The expressed aim of Alf Ross' study is to lay the philosophical foundations for deontic logic by explicating the concepts of directive and norm. But there is a wider significance to his task, for he makes clear throughout that the concepts of directive and norm are central to a wide variety of disciplines, including moral, legal, and social philosophy, linguistics and the other social sciences. Moreover, the test of adequacy of his explications include an appeal to the usefulness the concepts (...)
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  30.  39
    Fact and Theory. [REVIEW]H. K. R. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (4):746-746.
    This book is an introduction to certain problems in the philosophy of science through the study of four case histories in the history of science. It is designed for undergraduate science majors whom, the author feels, often have difficulties connecting the usual discussions in the philosophy of science with the science they have studied and are studying. Each case history is followed by a commentary which considers its philosophical implications. The first case, Harvey's discovery of the circulation of the blood, (...)
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  31.  53
    Geometry and Chronometry in Philosophical Perspective. [REVIEW]H. K. R. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (1):130-130.
    As Max Jammer has rightly said, contemporary discussion of the metrical properties of space have been dominated in recent years by the work of Adolf Grünbaum. One of Grünbaum's most important essays in this area, "Geometry, Chronometry and Empiricism" is reprinted in its entirety as the first chapter of this work. The third and final chapter is a lengthy reply to Hilary Putnam who published a critique of Grünbaum's original essay in 1963. Putnam's criticisms have not led Grünbaum to substantially (...)
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    Induction, Acceptance and Rational Belief. [REVIEW]H. K. R. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 24 (4):763-764.
    Papers collected in this volume were originally presented at a symposium held at the University of Pennsylvania in December, 1968 and revised in the light of discussion at the symposium for publication. The contributors hold different views about the role played by induction in theories of knowledge and rational belief but many of the papers are conciliatory, reflecting no doubt a good deal of helpful communication at the symposium. For example, Frederic Schick's clearly written and informative lead article considers subjectivist, (...)
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  33.  56
    On the Sources of Knowledge and Ignorance, from Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol. XLVI. [REVIEW]H. K. R. - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (4):678-678.
    In this British Academy lecture, Popper argues for a reformulation of epistemological questions. In the past we have asked for the ultimate sources of knowledge and thus begged for authoritarian answers. He charges that this question of origins is relevant to the determination of meaning but not to the determination of truth. The historical sections are often interesting in their own right, especially those on the conspiracy theory of ignorance.--R. H. K.
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    Intensity, visible-surface, and volumetric representations.H. K. Nishihara - 1981 - Artificial Intelligence 17 (1-3):265-284.
  35.  39
    An Approach for Generating Pattern-Based Shorthand Using Speech-to-Text Conversion and Machine Learning.H. K. Anasuya Devi & K. R. Abhinand - 2013 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 22 (3):229-240.
    Rapid handwriting, popularly known as shorthand, involves writing symbols and abbreviations in lieu of common words or phrases. This method increases the speed of transcription and is primarily used to record oral dictation. Someone skilled in shorthand will be able to write as fast as the dictation occurs, and these patterns are later transliterated into actual, natural language words. A new kind of rapid handwriting scheme is proposed, called the Pattern-Based Shorthand. A word on a keyboard involves pressing a unique (...)
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  36. Concepts of Science: A Philosophical Analysis. [REVIEW]H. K. R. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (4):745-746.
    The chief topics discussed in this carefully written book are the nature of definitions in science, the distinction between observational and theoretical terms, changes in scientific concepts and the role of analogies and models in science. The unifying theme is that of meaning in the sciences. Its treatment by Achinstein indicates a trend in recent philosophy of science toward finding a middle ground between two antithetical positions on the topic of the meaning of scientific terms. On the one side stands (...)
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  37.  47
    Intension and Decision. [REVIEW]H. K. R. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 18 (1):180-180.
    In this work R. M. Martin carries his semiotical studies into the fields of intensional semantics and pragmatics, dealing with such philosophically important concepts as meaning, preference, reasonableness and indifference. The crucial notion is that of the meaning or intension of an expression. Two major categories are distinguished, objective intensions and subjective intensions. To deal with objective intensions an intensional semantics is developed as an extension of denotational semantics in the tradition of Tarski, Carnap and Martin's earlier Truth and Denotation. (...)
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  38.  52
    Topics in Philosophical Logic. [REVIEW]H. K. R. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (3):564-565.
    The aim of this book is to introduce the reader to some new areas of contemporary logic which generally fall under the rubric of philosophical logic. It succeeds in this task to a degree, although the chapters are for the most part adaptations of journal articles published by Rescher over the last ten years and are more self-contained than they might have been. But the book should renew interest in the problems of philosophical logic. It contains many interesting discussions and (...)
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  39.  20
    The Logical Way of Doing Things. [REVIEW]H. K. R. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (4):753-753.
    The essays in philosophical logic collected in this volume are dedicated to Henry S. Leonard who was one of the first American philosophers to urge the application of modern logic to non-mathematical areas. Leonard also inspired the development of certain areas of contemporary philosophical logic discussed in some of the papers of this volume. This is especially clear in the case of free, or presupposition free, logics which Leonard's early work on a logic of existence inspired. In one essay of (...)
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  40.  34
    Action, Emotion and Will. [REVIEW]H. K. R. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (1):147-147.
    This work gives a fresh approach to the discussion of psychological phenomena in philosophical terms. Beginning with a discussion of the emotions and feelings, it works back to a theory of willing and judging. The method is analytic, and the influence of Wittgenstein and Ryle is everywhere in evidence, though in different ways: the author usually improves on what Ryle, but simply approves of what Wittgenstein, says. In the final two chapters, the theory of judgment put forward by Geach in (...)
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  41.  26
    Concise History of Logic. [REVIEW]H. K. R. - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (4):679-679.
    The author offers some interesting suggestions for the rewriting of the history of logic which modern developments in symbolic logic demand. He divides the history into two parts, the first dealing with what is called the Aristotelian core of logic and the improvements made on that core within a basically classical tradition, and the second, with the tradition of improvements inspired by Leibniz' idea of mathematical logic. The book is brief and much less of a comprehensive history than a prolegomena.--R. (...)
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  42.  41
    Greek Mathematical Thought and the Origin of Algebra. [REVIEW]H. K. R. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (1):132-132.
    This is a translation of Jacob Klein's study "Die Griechische Logistik und die Entstehung der Algebra" which appeared in 1934-1936. His principal thesis is that the Renaissance mathematicians of the sixteenth century did not simply continue the work of the Greek and Arab mathematicians but in the process of developing ancient mathematics introduced a radically new conception of number which has since guided modern mathematical thought. The central figure in this revolution is Vieta. Klein traces the influence of Vieta's ideas (...)
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    Negation und Andersheit: Ein Beitrag zur Problematik der Letztimplikation. [REVIEW]H. K. R. - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (3):524-524.
    The German philosopher Rickert substituted for Hegel's formulation of the dialectic a "Heterological Principle of Thought" where identity and otherness become moments within the pure logical object of thought. The logical object of thought takes precedence over dialectical movement, and otherness takes precedence over negation. Flach expounds and defends Rickert's position against its critics. The discussion is specialized but contains some valuable insights into Hegel. --R. H. K.
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    Experiencing and the Creation of Meaning. [REVIEW]H. K. R. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (4):800-800.
    In this phenomenological approach to meaning, the author defines his task as one of taking account of the kinds of relations the logical order can have to the preconceptual order. This preconceptual order is represented by a pre-logical activity which is called "experiencing." There is experiencing of meaning as well as of things. This "experienced or felt meaning" is said to be as important a dimension of meaning as the traditional modes distinguished by philosophers, e.g., denotation, connotation. Apparent throughout is (...)
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  45.  25
    Type Crossings. [REVIEW]H. K. R. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (3):554-555.
    This book is a study of meaning and meaninglessness which takes as its point of departure a discussion of sentences like "The theory of relativity is blue" which some philosophers call category mistakes and which this author calls type crossings. His answer to the question of the basis of the meaninglessness of such sentences differs from most currently fashionable ones. For example, he argues in separate chapters against the view that the basis for the meaninglessness of sentences involving type crossings (...)
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  46.  18
    On the Use of Philosophy. [REVIEW]H. K. R. - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (3):527-527.
    Three short essays on the position of the philosopher and philosophy in modern society. Maritain illuminates the situation of the philosopher in a milieu of conflicting systems. The final essay, which deals with the relation of science and religion, shows evidence of a growing appreciation by Maritain of the aims of modern science.--R. H. K.
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  47. Philosophie et Science: Eléments de bibliographie. [REVIEW]H. K. R. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (4):764-765.
    In the introduction to this bibliography of works in the philosophy of science, the author stresses that it provides only the éléments of a bibliography and does not claim to be complete. His aim is to provide a starting point around which interested parties can build their own bibliographies. Although it may be of some use in this regard, philosophers of science in the English-speaking world will not find the volume of very much use for authors writing in English. Some (...)
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  48. Die internationale Anselm-Tagung in Bad Wimpfen.H. K. Kohlenberger - 1968 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 10:370.
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  49.  42
    Ontological Relativity and Other Essays. [REVIEW]H. K. R. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (4):747-748.
    The title essay was originally presented as two lectures inaugurating the John Dewey lectures at Columbia. It is an important essay for understanding Quine's work for it brings together many themes at the center of his thinking since Word and Object. Quine quotes with approval Dewey's statement "meaning is primarily a property of behavior" and then goes on to consider a thesis which, according to Quine, is a consequence of such a behavioral theory of meaning, i.e., the thesis of the (...)
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  50.  58
    Models and Modalities. [REVIEW]H. K. R. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (4):743-744.
    This is a collection of essays written by Hintikka over a period of eight or nine years on logics of existence and on the semantics of modal logics, areas in which he has made pioneer studies. The introductory essay defends formal methods in philosophical analysis. Two essays follow on logics of existence, one of them relating such logics to discussions of the ontological argument. Of the four essays on the semantics of modal logics, the first two "Modality and Quantification" and (...)
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